What is Disaster Recovery Local?

Disaster Recovery Local helps mitigate the downtime caused by server crashes, ransomware attacks, or

natural disasters. It provides you a local (appliance) failover only – without cloud failover – for a highly

competitive BCDR solution at an affordable price.

With SepioTek Disaster Recovery Local:

Eliminate Downtime and Data Loss: Unplanned downtime comes with serious consequences. SepioTek DRaaS can dramatically reduce your downtime.

Complete Ransomware Assurance: Quickly recover from a ransomware attack without ever having to pay a ransom. Speak to a representative at SepioTek to see if you’re a soft target for  ransomware.

Unparalleled Affordability: We can equip every organization with affordable failover and data protection.


How it Works

SepioTek Disaster Recovery Local backs up physical servers and virtual machines to a local appliance before it is replicated to the cloud. When a server crashes, or a file just needs to be restored, we can quickly restore recently backed up files for you, utilizing the local appliance.

Key Features:

  • SepioTek protects all of your data from physical and virtualize environments, Windows, Linux, Unix, VMware and Hyper-V.
  • We rebuild your network automatically using software defined networking – effectively capturing a complete replica of your data.
  • You’ll never pay a ransom. We can quickly recover operations by restoring a clean, uninfected version of your files, applications and systems in the event of a ransomware attack.


Which Disaster Recovery is Right for you?

Sepio Tek, LLC - Cornelia, GA 30531